Smell is a potent qizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived.
Helen Keller
Aromatherapy is an extremely powerful way to impact our emotional wellbeing through topical and aromatic use of essential oils. When applied topically the essential oils enter through our skin making it possible for them to impact every cell in our body.

The effects of aromatherapy on the body
Our nasal passages are a direct pathway to the limbic system of the brain, this is where the amygdala processes the body’s emotional responses. Simply inhaling the aromatic compounds of an essential oil is an effective way to calm the nervous system, reducing anxious feelings or uplifting your mood. This can be done by placing a drop in the palm of your hand and cupping your nose, placing oils in a diffuser or smelling topically applied oils whether on diffuser jewelry or the skin throughout the day.
The close connection between smells and emotions becomes evident in our everyday life as certain scents trigger memories and feelings impacting our moods and emotional regulations. This is why going for a walk in nature is so beneficial in shifting our moods or walking into a restaurant cues your appetite. The olfactory centers are also intricately linked with the hypothalamus, an area of the brain that controls physiological functions throughout the body.
The hypothalamus is influential by interacting directly with the pituitary gland, a small gland located in the brain. The brain communicates with the pituitary gland to secrete hormones involved in the regulation of stress, hunger, thyroid, sleep, libido, and memory.
Because of the direct link between the olfactory system and the brain, the tiny molecules in an essential oil are capable of interacting directly with the hypothalamus, influencing neurochemistry throughout the body thus impacting overall health and wellbeing.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are a pure liquid extract from seeds, leaves, bark, stems, root and peel of plants. They are steam-released or pressed from the actual plants. They are concentrated, fast acting, and quickly absorb into the skin and contain no additional processing, preservatives, or other additives. They are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness purposes and have been used for hundreds of years.
Essential oils are natural, effective and safe aromatic compounds extracted and distilled from plants for health benefits. They contain hundreds of different compounds, providing complex and versatile abilities to combat threats without building up resistance. They work with the body to address issues and root causes on a cellular level and impact the overall vibrations on the system.
Choosing Quality Essential Oils is important to ensure they are pure and free of toxins, pesticides, weeds, and fillers, artificial ingredients, and chemical substitutes. Choosing a quality essential oil will also ensure their potency and overall therapeutic benefits.
Essential oils have the ability to shift our moods depending on the makeup of the specific oil from calming and energizing to renewing, reassuring and grounding.
You can grab my free guide on how to incorporate essential oils into your self-care to reduce stress here.
Health & Happiness,
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