It is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.
DW Winnicott
Art therapy is a means of utilizing art materials to allow thoughts and feelings to move as you dialogue with your inner canvas through lines, shapes, and colors giving image to what the experience feels and looks like in your body. The art allows you to capture a moment- a tactile representation of your thoughts, feelings, as well as further connect and reflect upon what is working, not working or perhaps missing in your life. The process of creating also allows for a cathartic experience, expelling built up stress, anger and/or grief.

The emotions within your art
As an art therapist I look further at the metaphors inherent in the art making process. For example, building a volcano out of clay and then using a variety of liquid watercolors placing drops of colors representing all the pent up thoughts and feelings percolating in one’s body. Once the maker is finished they witness the volcano erupting as a symbolic experience of what happens when we bottle up emotions. The actual feelings of anger, sadness, and grief are emotions experienced by everyone, withholding these feelings and suppressing them can impact our physical and mental health, as well as relationships with others. Through the process of art therapy individuals may learn what different materials are capable of creating and how the creative process feels both physically and emotionally.
Approaches to art therapy
Art therapy is utilized with individuals, families and groups and can be explored with a variety of mediums to create paintings, drawings, sculptures, and collages amongst many other types of art.
Two main approaches to art therapy are utilized; art as therapy and art psychotherapy. Art as therapy allows the inherent therapeutic process of creating art to relieve an individual’s suffering, whereas art psychotherapy uses art to aid in the process of conventional talk therapy.
Curious to learn more? I know the hardest thing sometimes is just getting started, which is why I put together my 5 best getting started tools into a new, free guide where I combine art, mindfulness and essential oils to help clear thoughts, energy and stress.
You can access more guides here.
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